I was surprised recently to see orchids in bare and dry bark covered soil under wandoos and powderbarks in Dryandra Woodland Candy Block. Small and relatively inconspicuous Wandoo Beard Orchids and Frog Greenhood Orchids are tough customers that are adapted to drier environments. The Wandoo Beard Orchid (Calochilus stramenicola) has reduced petals and sepals that only partially open and a dense bearded labellum. Calochilus means"sweet lips".They may only open for a day or two while emitting a pheromone to attract large male Scoliid wasps. My colleague Lyn Alcock caught the image of a desperate male wasp attempting to enter a partially opened flower. If the wasp didn’t return the next day, the flower may have pollinated itself and closed.
Not fair! As a fellow male I express solidarity with the poor fellow.