This 127 hectare reserve was originally surveyed as a townsite adjoining the Wedin railway siding. Apart from an old dam for steam locomotives and a few small gravel pits the reserve is in pristine condition and supports a wonderful variety of wildflowers. in late August to mid September depending on the season one can see a wonderfully diverse display of spider orchids on open wandoo woodland on either side of Wedin North Road where it meets Line Road. The reserve is a good stopping point for people doing a day trip from Narrogin to Harrismith Nature Reserve. |
The reserve has very smooth landscape, which is typical of the area. From a ridge at the highest point at the north-west corner, the land slopes smoothly down to open forest flats adjoining Line Road. Vegetation changes due to slight and usually unnoticeable changes in slope or soil type form a mosaic with many different types of wildflowers. Blue lines show old drains to the dam. They can be handy in finding your bearings in the bush.
Spot 1 is mainly an open Wandoo sand over clay flat, which is the best orchid country. Look for Caladenia hirta subsp rosea / Pink Candy Orchid Caladenia polychroma / Josephs Spider type orchids, Caladenia falcata / Fringed mantis orchid. Caladenia flava / cowslip orchid, greenhood orchids, sun orchids and a leek orchid.