There are no facilities.

A huge wildfire in February 2022 apparently destroyed all vegetation and wildlife. I saw how intense fire can split rocks and cause the equivalent of thousands of years of rock 'weathering' in a single event.
The rock is roughly an inverted U shape, with a central valley flowing south.
On the western side of the car park is a 40 ha triangle of grass tree kwongan, which is private property.

Some good news about the fire is that it was so intense that most wild oat seeds were incinerated, which gave native plant species a chance to reestablish. The bad news is bird and animal destruction, although they will gradually recolonise from the adjoining unburnt section of Birdwhistle Nature Reserve.
There was little plant cover in 2022 apart from some fire colonising species, moss, limited tree / shrub regrowth, and some orchids. Caladenia flava, Caladenia integra, and lots of Pyrorchis nigricans.