Every reserve I have explored so far contains a bunyip, but Borgey Block (southeast of Williams) is different. Its guardian is an Ent!
This block must have been a part of Fangorn Forest in the time of middle earth.
The Ent is an ancient and fearsome being that morphs into differing monsters.
My first sighting was a giant prawn monster slowly lumbering towards me, but as I slowly circled it, I saw an eagle monster, a serpent monster, a squid monster, and a mantis monster.
Tread lightly in this reserve!
OK here goes:
This is actually an old Drummonds mallee (Eucalyptus drummondii) that grew as a tree. Mallees uncommonly do this if the main stem is not affected by fire or other events that stimulate new stems to emerge from the basal lignotuber.
At some time, the tree was hit by lightning that blasted the top off, and completely split the stem to the ground on one side and to about a metre from the ground on another. Contraction of the outer sapwood pulled the dry inner heartwood outwards to form the surface of half of each split stem’s perimeter.
Another more recently lightning destroyed tree in this reserve is described in this blog.