A definition is "A simple organism that consists of an acellular mass of creeping jelly-like protoplasm containing nuclei, or a mass of amoeboid cells. When it reaches a certain size it forms a large number of spore cases (sporangia)."
Slime moulds are amazing organisms where individuals can join together and coordinate like they have a brain. When the protoplasm is on the move one can see the contents streaming backwards and forwards under a microscope. They are not fungi but somewhere between them and protozoa. They occur in the bush and in lawns; red and white ones and who could forget the yellow ‘dog vomit’ slime mould.
See below that an amalgamated slide show of progression of a white slime mould from clear protoplasm to spore balls
This slideshow illustrates the transition from clear protoplasm to a powdery spore mass | |